Gladstone I & II Terminals

Um terminals bulk liquid storage

Deep-water facility

Our Gladstone terminal is a deep-water facility and has two berths allowing for multiple ship and barging operations to run simultaneously.

Gladstone terminal map

Heated tanks
The site has heated tanks which are serviced by two steam generating boilers and a hot water heating system.

Bespoke molasses-only loading bay
We also offer a bespoke molasses-only loading bay with two surfaced mounted weighbridges. A third weighbridge sited in the terminal is used for all other non-molasses products.

Terminal location

Shore Road
Seaforth, Bootle
Liverpool L20 1EB

Leon Pilling
Leon Pilling Terminal Manager
Gladstone bulk liquid storage terminal
Spec Value
Total capacity 97,162m3
Tank Sizes 600m3 – 13,210m3
Access 7 Docklines Road loading and receipt points
LOA 200m
Draft 10.1M
No. of Berths 2
Tank types Mild steel construction, tanks 1,2 8,14,18,19, 20 and 21 are lined
Current products UCO, Molasses, and Vegetable Oils
Terminals: contact UM Group