Hull East – Methylation

Um terminals bulk liquid storage

Lower tier COMAH facility

Our Hull East methylation terminal is a lower tier COMAH facility storing various chemicals for our customers.

Hull East terminal map

A state-of-the-art operation
The terminal is a state-of-the-art operation offering in-line blending capabilities, remote tank monitoring, computerised product loading and dedicated pipelines.

On-site laboratory
The terminal offers a demineralised water plant, nitrogen, an on-site laboratory and its own dedicated shipping berth.

HMRC approved
The terminal has 24-hour security, CCTV and automatic entrance/exit gates. It is an approved HMRC General Storage and Distribution Warehouse.

Terminal location

King George Dock (East)
Hull HU9 5PR

Karl pass
Karl Pass Terminal Manager
Hull East Methylation bulk liquid storage terminal
Terminals: contact UM Group