UM Terminals

Bulk liquid storage experts

Terminal Manager Chris reveals childhood secret

Posted on 11 August, 2020

But his association with the business goes back a good deal further – in fact, all the way back to the day he was born on the April 29th 1980!

Chris takes up the story: “A little known story about myself is that many years ago my father Kenneth worked for UM Storage as an electrician.

“On the day I was born he picked both myself and my mother Lorraine up from Clatterbridge Hospital in Wirral in the works van.

“On picking me up from the hospital my father returned the van to work and showed me to his then manager Billy McWilliam, who occupied the same office where I myself now sit as Terminal Manager.

“So, you could say I have been at UM Terminals since the day I was born!”

Terminal manager chris reveals childhood secret

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